When post-colonial, independent Zimbabwe that is now paralyzed was still colonial Rhodesia, ruled and not governed by the settlers, the country was food secure, even exporting. Today, that is not the case. The developments in terms of food production, and food security are severely negative. This is quite shocking, however, the causal factor behind the food insecurity is well known, and its none other than the  cancerous, state paralyzing, national security and national sovereignty undermining, vile, ignorant, rent-seeking, one party state seeking, spectacularly failing, terrorist, tyrannical, authoritarian, illegitimate, parasitic, criminal, pestilential, plundering, looting, self-enrichment obsessed, supreme law of the land violating, mutilating and debasing, people’s welfare neglecting, service delivery depriving zanu pf which has been in power for four decades illegitimately, and is responsible for the prevailing paralysis of the  state of Zimbabwe, which is earnestly, inevitably and determined to be a failed, and thus a collapsed state that will plunge the reasonably stable region of southern Africa into a hell of political instability and perennial insecurity.

If Rhodesia had been a democracy, taking into account the need for the constitutional needs of the black majority, especially when it came to equality, and legislative representation, the country would still be food secure, and food production developments would be positive. So what happened? The cancerous, state paralyzing, national security and national sovereignty undermining, vile, ignorant, rent-seeking, one party state seeking, spectacularly failing, terrorist, tyrannical, authoritarian, illegitimate, parasitic, criminal, pestilential, plundering, looting, self-enrichment obsessed, supreme law of the land violating, mutilating and debasing, people’s welfare neglecting, service delivery depriving zanu pf which has been in power for four decades illegitimately happened. The very nature of its political illegitimacy, which makes it prefer ruling, instead of govern the oppressed, terrorized, impoverished, frequently displaced masses, who are unemployed, forced to migrate out of the country, to look for greener pastures is at the centre of the prevailing food insecurity.

This political illegitimacy, has the following particular consequences, which are not limited to the duo. The first is the mutilation, violation and debasement of the supreme law of the land. The second is appointment into public office, not by merit, but by blind loyalty, by equally incompetent, illegitimate pests and parasites in the criminal enterprise that is the spectacularly failing, self-enrichment obsessed zanu pf, that is futilely seeking to establish a one party state that is supreme to everything and all, especially the perpetual victim of tyrannical, vile and criminal zanu pf’s mutilation, and violation, which is the supreme law of the land. This makes it hard for the illegitimate appointing authority to be held accountable, and made to be transparent, as the appointed will blindly support the former, as the former’s continued power retention means that the latter continues to benefit, or rather, illicitly self-enrich.

A mutilated and violated supreme law of the land means that there are no property rights, those with land are discouraged from investing, which would ramp up food production, thus aborting the prevailing food insecurity that wants to conceive perennial famines that will be a humanitarian crisis.

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