The resilient, innovative, tranquil and renewed legitimate opposition is advocating for the welfare of war veterans, a noble cause. This is the very same opposition that has been attacked by the very same war veterans it is advocating for. Despite that, the above referenced opposition, chose to demonstrate its sensitivity and responsiveness to the plight of the  impoverished, suffering, food insecure, unemployed, terrorized and oppressed masses, whose welfare has, for four decades been neglected, creating a cyclical tragedy to which the pests and parasites that are predatory when it comes to extraction, have been desensitized and unresponsive towards, resulting in prompt, affordable, reliable service delivery deprivations, the bulk of which are fundamental constitutional liberties, freedoms and rights, such as the rights to basic health care, the rights to portable clean water, and the right to education

This is in direct contrast by the futilely one party state seeking, spectacularly failing, terrorist, tyrannical, authoritarian, illegitimate, parasitic, criminal, pestilential, plundering, looting, self-enrichment obsessed, supreme law of the land violating, mutilating and debasing, people’s welfare neglecting, service delivery depriving zanu pf which in the last few years has begun the practice of abusing war veterans, even arresting them, for exercising their fundamental constitutional rights to freedom of assembly, freedom of expression and the right petition, all of which are developments that make them reflect in their past, their actions which similarly saw them depriving the from exercising their above referenced freedoms.

According the prevailing reality on the ground, the politicized and partisan war veterans have not been spared from the political illegitimacy of the futilely one party state seeking, spectacularly failing, terrorist, tyrannical, authoritarian, illegitimate, parasitic, criminal, pestilential, plundering, looting, self-enrichment obsessed, supreme law of the land violating, mutilating and debasing, people’s welfare neglecting, service delivery depriving zanu pf. They have not been immune to the consequences of the political illegitimacy of the above mentioned predatorily extracting, plundering and looting for self-enrichment.

According to the former finance minister, Tendai Biti, who is also a firebrand opposition resilient, innovative, tranquil and renewed legitimate opposition is advocating for the welfare of war veterans. He claims that the war veterans have nothing to show for their sacrifices. He is of the opinion that they should be given tittle deeds. This is because they fought and contributed to the liberation struggle. The opposition also states its position that the farms distributed to said war veterans during land reform program should be given tittle deeds, which means more security for them

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