Wonders never cease in the banana republic that is the paralyzed state of Zimbabwe owing to the political illegitimacy of the abominable and criminal enterprise that is the spectacularly failing, terrorist, tyrannical, authoritarian, illegitimate, parasitic, criminal, pestilential, plundering, looting, self-enrichment obsessed, supreme law of the land violating, mutilating and debasing, people’s welfare neglecting, service delivery depriving zanu pf, which also happens to be the worst tragedy to ever happen to this God forsaken country. It seems that the hungry, poor, inflation hit rank and file of the partisan, and politicized police force, which really ought to be reformed into a police service, are being trained to allegedly handle projected election riots.

Which is very ridiculous and misleading, coming from the hungry, poor, inflation hit rank and file of the partisan, and politicized police force. First of all, they are not prophets who can predict the future. How did they reach the verdict that there will be so called elections riots? One needs to ask what happened to the so called peace loving Zimbabweans that are dunderheads, according to Rushwaya, a queen of smuggling the precious yellow metal, gold? Did they suddenly all migrate to Europe and the United States of America? When exactly did the impoverished, suffering, food insecure, unemployed, terrorized and oppressed masses, whose welfare has, for four decades been neglected, creating a cyclical tragedy to which the pests and parasites that are predatory when it comes to extraction, have been desensitized and unresponsive towards, resulting in prompt, affordable, reliable service delivery deprivations, the bulk of which are fundamental constitutional liberties, freedoms and rights, such as the rights to basic health care, the rights to portable clean water, and the right to education, become so violent that they would riot over elections, especially in a banana republic where you would be shot, with weapons of war by the rank and file of equally hungry, poor, inflation hit partisan, and politicized military?

In addition to this, the grossly incompetent, and worst police in the world will be setting up so called internal committee to investigate what the useless police prophesied as poll based crimes. Apparently, it did not demonstrate the capabilities of the so called internal committee during the primary elections of the abominable and criminal enterprise that is the spectacularly failing, terrorist, tyrannical, authoritarian, illegitimate, parasitic, criminal, pestilential, plundering, looting, self-enrichment obsessed, supreme law of the land violating, mutilating and debasing, people’s welfare neglecting, service delivery depriving zanu pf, which also happens to be the worst tragedy to ever happen to this God forsaken country. In the history of this country, which is quite depressing, one needs to look at who has been committing polls based crimes with impunity, and whether they have been arrested at all.

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