The clueless, illegitimate the quasi-military edifice whose ‘commandist” approaches of illegitimate ruling, instead of governing through consensus, which is also a criminal enterprise that is a dismally failing, vile, self-enrichment obsessed ZANU PF that is responsible for the prevailing, resilient state paralysis, is in the business of compromising both the national security and sovereignty of the said paralyzed state, the mutilation, violation and assaulting of the supreme law of the land, as a means to a futile end of establishing a one party state will remain in power, unconstitutionally, so long there is finite, valuable, strategic non-renewable, natural resources in the country.

The pests and parasites who are the core stakeholders in the criminal enterprise that is the people’s welfare neglecting, prompt, affordable, reliable service delivery depriving, self-enrichment obsessed, state paralyzing, state failure and collapse accelerating, authoritarian zanu pf, whose sadism feeds on the suffering of the unemployed, food insecure, inflation besieged, oppressed, terrorized, abused, exploited, impoverished masses, whose youths are turning to drug use and prostitution, will not tranquilly relinquish the power they are retaining illegitimately, with the help of the overzealous, grossly inept, partisan, politicized and militarized elements of the security sector, anticorruption commission, the judiciary, the electoral commission, and what should be the public, national media, who are invested towards the establishment of a futile one party state, so that they are part of the gravy train. The existence of significant ore bodies of finite, valuable, strategic non-renewable, natural resources in the country, are the sole motivation behind the ineffectual concept of establishing a one party state.

This ineffectual concept of inaugurating a one party state means that the terrorist, human and property rights molesting, ignorant, illegitimate the quasi-military edifice whose commandist approaches of illegitimate ruling, instead of leading through consensus, which is also a criminal enterprise that is a dismally failing, vile, self-enrichment fixated zanu pf that is blamable for the prevalent, irrepressible state paralysis, is in the business of compromising both the national security and sovereignty will be supreme to all, and everyone, especially the violated, raped, and mutilated supreme law of the land, as the latter is a source of impediments, sanctions and deterrence against plundering and looting that motivates or inspire the above referenced worst tragedy to ever happen to this country, to retain power illegitimately.

Only when the finite, valuable, strategic non-renewable, natural resources in the country are exhausted, will the pests and parasites flee, and not relinquish power, and stay in the hell they have created. They will flee from the consequences of their actions that will see them being arraigned before independent, reformed, impartial courts, being guided by the principles of equality before the law, and rule of law, to make them accountable, before sending them to jails, which are basically graveyards they use to attack the opposition.

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