Here is what to expect should the spectacularly failing, terrorist, tyrannical, authoritarian, illegitimate, parasitic, criminal, pestilential, plundering, looting, self-enrichment obsessed, supreme law of the land violating, mutilating and debasing, people’s welfare neglecting, service delivery depriving zanu pf, whose actions have resulted in the state getting paralyzed get to rig the looming, inevitable national elections. You will die. There will be more than ten thousand ways to die. This piece will list and explain a few. You will die painfully and usually, very slowly.

First, there will be a very determined, unrelenting, unforgiving health crisis. As it is, there is already a cholera outbreak. There is no comprehensive response from the illegitimate government, which does not care, and is not responsive and desensitized to the plight of the welfare of the oppressed and terrorized masses who are impoverished, whose welfare, has been neglected, for four decades, on a wholesale scale, resulting in prompt, affordable, reliable, and dependable service delivery deprivations. There are no investments or attempts to modernize health infrastructure and facilities, in addition to bettering the lives of the professionals who are in the health sector, who dedicate their lives to save lives. This means that you, as the electorate, ignorant, parochial, or enlightened and informed, you are in a double bind. There is no infrastructure critical to saving your life, there are no machines and tools to, again, save your life. There are no seasoned and motivated health care personnel to man those missing, modern infrastructures, administer unavailable medicines, or tools and equipment that is critical in saving your life. In short, you will die, because the illegitimate, vile, criminal, enterprise simply does not care, and will certainly not care, especially after rigging to be in power, unconstitutionally, for another five years, of hell.

The scam that was sold you, that of a national currency, will turn out to be a tragic joke. It will be worthless within a few hours of the vile, criminal enterprise, that is the spectacularly failing, terrorist, tyrannical, authoritarian, illegitimate, parasitic, criminal, pestilential, plundering, looting, self-enrichment obsessed, supreme law of the land violating, mutilating and debasing, people’s welfare neglecting, service delivery depriving zanu pf, getting declared the winner, after rigging, with the help of the partisan, compromised, politicized, militarized, grossly incompetent electoral commission which is sympathetic to the futile aspirations of the above referenced cancer, of establishing a one party state, that is superior to the supreme law of the land that has been systematically and perpetually mutilated, violated and debased. This is because, the above is incompatible with a robust, resilient currency.

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