As the upcoming general elections inch closer on the horizon, the political landscape in Zimbabwe is ablaze with activity. The ruling party, Zanu PF, has long been known for its strategic maneuvers to secure widespread support. However, a disturbing shift has been observed in recent times, as Zanu PF’s approach has evolved into a perilous affair.

In a shocking revelation, a video has emerged showcasing the alarming treatment of citizens by Zanu PF. This reckless and hazardous conduct is aimed at coercing individuals into attending the party’s rallies scattered across the nation. The question on everyone’s lips is: at what cost?

The video footage captures the distressing scenes of individuals being crammed into buses with little regard for their safety. The modus operandi of Zanu PF has taken a disconcerting turn, transforming what should be a democratic and participatory process into a dangerous ordeal. Once the rallies conclude, attendees are left to fend for themselves, raising concerns about their well-being and the party’s responsibility towards them.

Ironically, the only solace these participants receive comes in the form of a meager offering – a Chicken Inn fast-food meal, commonly known as a “free lunch.” This paltry reward hardly compensates for the risks undertaken and the potential consequences faced by those who participate. The question that emerges is whether a fleeting taste of fast-food can justify jeopardizing the safety and security of citizens.

A recent incident further highlights the gravity of this situation. A bus, its interiors crammed with eager attendees, was captured on camera departing from Harare, bound for remote rural areas. The timing of this departure, following President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s Harare provincial star rally, underscores the extent of Zanu PF’s desperation to project an image of overwhelming political support.

Zanu PF’s fervent efforts to shuttle people across the length and breadth of the country are unmistakable. The party’s relentless campaign to create an illusion of unparalleled popularity rivals that of its main opposition, the CCC. The underlying motive behind this audacious endeavor seems to be a calculated attempt to sway public opinion and cement the party’s dominance.

As the nation braces itself for the impending general elections, the situation raises significant concerns about the ethical boundaries of political competition. Democracy thrives on the active and informed participation of citizens, but this engagement should never come at the cost of their safety or well-being. The dangerous practices employed by Zanu PF not only cast a shadow over the democratic process but also tarnish the party’s credibility and integrity.

In conclusion, the spectacle of Zanu PF’s dangerous modus operandi as elections draw nearer is a cause for alarm. The recklessness with which individuals are bussed to rallies, coupled with the absence of post-event support, raises ethical questions about the party’s priorities and values. The allure of a simple fast-food meal pales in comparison to the potential risks undertaken by citizens in their quest for political involvement. Zimbabweans deserve a political landscape that respects their rights, safety, and well-being above all else. As the nation moves towards the elections, it is imperative that a more responsible and ethical approach to political engagement is adopted, one that truly values the citizens it seeks to represent.

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